Welcome to our research platform
Welcome to our research platform
From 2020 to 2024 the Research Platform "Governance of Digital Practices" brought together researchers from the political science, law, STS and operations research to study the following questions covering many fields of practice and policy.
Members of the platform worked on analytic and normative questions related to knowledge work, digital platforms and digital health. They studied the factors that give shape to digital practices and also worked towards developing new solutions for governing digital practices.This is particularly important in cases where digital practices lead to inequities, exclusion or discrimination. At the same time, good governance of digital practices has the potential to enhance equity and strengthen democracy.
Although the research platform has formally ended its work, the individuals who were part of and contributed to the the platform continue to work in various ways on these topics. Please take a look at our website to learn more about the work that was done through this platform.
- How do contemporary ideas around data governance affect distribution of power and resources?
- What are the limitations of open data governance for addressing global imbalances in scientific research capacity? How can complementary measures support inclusive science?
- How can we improve the public value of the ways in which digital data is used?
- Is current policy and legislation appropriate to govern digital health platforms? What additional policy instruments and measures are needed?